Kat's Books

Photographer, book reviewer, mama, cat-lover in Seattle. Originally from England.

You can find my reviews on Goodreads, Amazon, and Edelweiss+.

School library volunteer at my son's K8 school.  Member of ALA and YALSA.

Links: linktr.ee/romans_mama

Review requests ~ scriptkat@hotmail.com


Insanely long dystopian/apocalyptic novel that holds on to you tightly; vivid imagery, could be shorter

The Fireman: A Novel - Joe Hill

So I read this as it was someone else’s pick for the ‘Horror Postal Book Club’ I’m in, and my first reaction when I received it was ‘oh my goodness, this book is huge’. It happened to be the first Joe Hill novel I’ve got around to reading, and it really was a wild ride. A long one.
It feels dystopian, apocalyptic, and sometimes sci-fi, and has huge sections that have a lot of action, but then it also felt quite slow in parts. I definitely feel like it could have been a lot less than 762 pages to get the story told.
Since I’ve journaled my way through my reading of this for my book club (we are mailing the book to each other; all the way from Singapore to me in Seattle, and back to out to Asia by way of BC, Germany, and Spain), I won’t babble too much here, especially since there are tons of reviews. My next Joe Hill will have to be NOS4A2, so I’d love to see how his writing compares between novels. This is entirely entertaining (and depressing, in too many ways!), but not the quickest read.
*Note: I don’t like it when the Space Needle gets hurt in books...